Interface for canceling an existing transaction:
.A transaction can be canceled up to 6 months from the date of execution
.To cancel older transactions you have to work with a token module
:Function call
1000 | Terminal number | terminalnumber |
Barak9611 | Interface username | name |
1234564321 | Interface password | pass |
91839187 | Canceling deal number | InternalDealNumber |
20 | Partial credit amount | PartialSum (optional) |
True | Cancel transaction only at transaction day |
CancelOnly (optional) |
Call example:
For high securing is recommended to transfer the Parameters in POST
Respond answer exampl:
ResponseCode=0&Description=Deal canceled successfully&InternalDealNumber=91839187
ResponseCode=5111&Description=Canceled deal cannot canceled again&InternalDealNumber=0
Explanation for Cancel only parameter:
Wen using the parameter Cancel only = True
The system will allow to cancel deal executed at the same day only.
Deal cancelation = Cancellation a transaction of the same day before the transmission to the credit companies.
The business is not charged a fee.
Transaction refund = Cancellation of a transaction after transmission to the credit companies, usually one day or more.
The business will be charged a debit and credit fee.
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